Guardians of the Galaxy: How to destroy the face of a thousand lies

A galaxy is an assembly of stars, gas, dust, empty and perhaps essentially dark matter, sometimes containing a supermassive black hole in its center. The Milky Way, the galaxy in which the solar system is located, has a few hundred billions of stars (1011), and has an extension of the order of 80,000 light years. A report of the Gaia European Space Mission released on April 25, 2018, the position of 1,692,919,135 stars of our galaxy, which represents less than 1% of the entire stars present in our galaxy. Most typical galaxies have a similar number of stars, but there are also dwarf galaxies with about ten billion stars (1010), and giant galaxies with several thousand billions of stars (1012). On the basis of these figures and the size of the observable universe, it is estimated that it has a few hundred billions of significant mass galaxies. The population of dwarf galaxies is however very difficult to determine, because of their mass and very low brightness. It could therefore contain up to 2,000 billion galaxies, but this can only be confirmed with the observations of future telescopes (such as the European giant telescope or the telescope of thirty meters). Galaxies as a large stellar systems have been highlighted during the 1920s, mainly by the American Astronomer Edwin Hubble, although first data indicating this fact goes back to 1914. Galaxies are three types of morphological types. Main: elliptics, spirals, irregular. A more extensive description of the types of galaxies has been given at the same time by Hubble and has since been named Hubble sequence. All stars are not located in the galaxies. If it seems established that it is within the galaxies that the stars are formed, they are likely to be expelled, either because of interactions between galaxies, either because of close meetings between a star and a Very massive star, like a supermassive black hole located in the center of a galaxy. There are some stars with high speed compared to their galaxy, a sign that they are no longer gravitationally linked. Such stars are therefore called fleeing stars. Several representatives of this class are known, such as SDSS J090745.0 + 024507 and Gro J1655-40, both leaving the Milky Way. The first is probably from a close encounter with the central black hole of our galaxy, SGR A, the second is undoubtedly from an asymmetric supernova whose compact residue was expelled from the region where the explosion had place.

While guardians of the galaxy has many scenarios full of action, there are some riddles in the middle of chaos that really require you to use your head. One of those difficult scenes occurs in chapter 10, evidence of faith, when the group should undertake a dangerous search through a creepy cave to cure your friend. Here is all you need to know How to destroy the face of a thousand lies in guardians of the galaxy.

How to destroy the face of a thousand lies in guardians of the galaxy

Once you come to the area where the entire fog of the cave comes, you will meet the statue known as the face of the thousand lies. To prevent the fog from coming out, you must destroy it.

Before you can do it, fog replicants will appear from all guardians and will attack you. Do not worry about fighting against them, since they will literally reappear every time they are defeated.

Instead, press L1 and have Rocket go to the hole on the left side of the area that sees above. He manages to detonate this side of the statue and leaves.

The next hole is on the opposite side, behind the water. However, when you ask Rocket to enter, he is too scared to drown. You have to press triangle / and several times to be able to convince him to enter.

Finally he will enter after Groot and Gamora are dragged by wind currents. He will make it explode again, but it will also be dragged by a stream when he comes out.

10 Fun Kiddy Riddles That Stump Most Adults To destroy the face, you must use the wind element of Peter s weapon by pressing right on the D-Pad. Once selected, shoot the shot with R1 / RB and will separate the statue and destroy the face of the thousand lies.

That s all you need to know How to destroy the face of a thousand lies in guardians of the galaxy. If you are still looking for more information about the game, be sure to check the wiki of the complete guide, since Surely you will have all the advice, tricks and frequently asked questions you can have about the game.

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