LOL: What champions get more assists? The answer is in the most undervalued position

League of Legends is charged with statistics that convert our performances into the loving crack in little more than cold data. A situation that allows us to self-evaluate or examine our colleagues according to the number of casualties or the total damage caused. However, there are some records that rarely pay attention. These include the one of the assists . Although it is such an important value as any other to find out the KDA, the players tend to forget it unjustly.

Champions with more assists from all League of Legends

The registration of assists achieved in a heading is where the differences between characters are noticed . Some League of Legends champions can achieve assists without doing practically nothing and others will always mean direct contact with rivals. That is why we expected a ranking loaded with characters that had great facilities and Jarvan IV was the first one that came to mind thanks to the effect in the area of ​​the standard of it.

However, reality demonstrates that the protagonism is for a category of champions that has barely appeared throughout our count of the different statistics of League of Legends. We expected it to be the time to shine for Supports, but the data has exceeded our expectations ....

These are the characters with more medium attendances per game:

The list is full of Supports and to find a variant we have left to the number 16 where we find Ivern as a representative of the supports played in the jungle or up to 24 position where a Jarvan IV appears We expected much higher. Probably, conditioned by the clear offensive virtues of him that allow him to close a number of casualties much higher than the average of these champions and make him not manage as many times.

As for the apparitions, they are relatively simple to understand. All the characters share the feature of being able to strengthen their shooters and protect them, offering statistical cures or increases that serve the League of Legends server to write down an assistance in the score. Highlights especially yuumi , who lives one of the best moments from him since he reached the game and also leads the ranking of a kDa for which he has shown that this record is more important than being the lowest champion gets .

As for the opposite exercise that allows us to know the characters that less attendance get from all League of Legends, it is easy to use a reverse thought to understand that the isolation of the Top Lane prevents him from participating in the game and swelling his statistics. Particularly highlights are the cases of vayne (3.93), JAX (4.14) and YORICK (4.24).

With this review, we ended up with our review of statistical curiosities, although we will soon have prepared a new series with many more surprises.

