Capcom Spotlight: Experience New and Exciting Games This Year!

These last weeks have been full of events related to the video game industry, because to start Xbox gave its update of games, from there Nintendo continued and finally Sony presented a state of play. However, it seems that this streak does not end, since another company is joining to show its new video games. That's right, Cap com will be arriving with another of its events called as Spotlight, which will present titles that will arrive within the coming months to stores. On March 9, news of Resident Evil 4 Remake, Optimal, Ghost Trick: Mega Man Battle Network: Legacy Collection and Monster Hunter Rise.

Tune in Cap com Spotlight on March 9 to learn about the news about Resident Evil 4, Optimal, Monster Hunter Rise, Mega Man Battle Network Legacy Collection and Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective.

Pre-spectacle-2:10 p. m.


(Pacific time)

Main show-2:30 p. m. (Pacific time) As for the time the transmission will be carried out, it will be at 2:30 pm Pacific time and 4:30 pm of Mexico. And users can consult the video through the official Cap com channels such as YouTube or Twitch. Via: Cap com Editor's note: We go through a very interesting streak of events, and with everything Cap com brings under the sleeve, promises that it will be an interesting year. As best will be Resident Evil 4 and Street Fighter VI, although it will not be in the broadcast.
